Welcome to ProDetailing...

Auto Detailing Enthusiast from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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This blog was created in response to my friends comments, "Show Me Your Work!!!"

If I can be of assistance or you have any questions please feel free to contact me:

email: jack.prodetailing@gmail.com

mobile: +6016-6603217

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Water Beading on Honda City

Manage to snap some shot of the water beading on the Honda City after an evening shower. Not bad compared with absolutely no water beading before the detail.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Honda City - Quick Detail

Was going to carry out a quick detail on another Honda City. I had originally planned on using Optimum Power Clean to clean off any contaminants on the paint surface followed by Optimum Opti-Seal to seal it off and then topped off with Optimum Car Wax. Based on previous experience with these products, once applied, the paint had a 'just polished' feel to it. Like polishing without polishing.

As with all plans, thing are subject to change....

The condition of the car before:

That's the benefit of having gold paint. Can't really 'see' the dirt on the car. Perfect of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Detailers).....

Although its not that obvious in this picture the hood of the car has been sprayed with a hose. There is very little to no water beading at all.

Wetting with a hose again.
No beading at all...
After some time, some sheeting action seen at the edges of the hood.

The car was then treated to a full wash with Optimum Power Clean. The idea was to remove any contaminants and then proceed to seal and wax the paint for a quick detail. Unfortunately, even the Optimum Power Clean was not strong enough to deal with some of the stains such as these on the top corner of the roof.

On with Plan B...

To read more about 'Plan B', click the 'Read More..." below.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Optimum Opti-Coat Review - Final Update

UPDATED: Video of Opti-Coat water beading after 5 months:

The Optimum Opti-Coat trial was started about a month ago on a car with clear coat failure to evaluate if the Opti-Coat would act as a 'new' clear coat.

A follow up update was done two weeks later.

The initial results were simply astounding.

This was the state of the boot before anything was done.

This was what it looked like after compounding, polishing and an application of Optimum Opti-Coat.

After two weeks, there were some issues with the paint fading at the edge of the test area.

Find out how the Opti-Coat is doing after another two weeks, click on the 'Read More' below.